Rules of the Association
- The committee shall administer all the affairs of the association
- a. The committee shall consist of
Vice Chairman
Shed Secretary
and a maximum of five additional committee members.
b. The name of every candidate for election to the committee shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the association. Such proposals shall be sent to the Secretary by email and the name of every such candidate with the name of the proposer and seconder shall be posted at the Associations premises not less than fourteen (14) days before the AGM. The permission of the proposed candidate must have been given by him or her. - c. Where a member of the Committee stands down during the course of the year a Committee member can nominate a new Committee member as their replacement and subject to a majority vote by Committee members, with the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of no majority, that person shall then stand as a Committee member for the remainder of the year and at the AGM Rule 2b applies.
- a. The committee shall consist of
In the event of more than one nomination for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary or Shed Secretary. A vote will be taken at the Annual General Meeting and the candidate with the majority votes will be elected. Nominations for election to the committee will be elected to the committee provided they obtain a majority vote at the annual general meeting. The Chairman has the casting vote in the event of no majority by those attending the annual general meeting. Only those attending the meeting can vote.
- The committee shall meet at least three times each year.
- The Annual General Meeting will be held in November/December each year, all members will be duly notified.
The business shall include:
a. Presentation of audited accounts
b. Election of Officers and Committee
c. Any other business
- Each allotment will be either 5 or 10 rods or at such size at the discretion of the committee and rent will be charged accordingly, no holder will be granted more than one plot if other applicants are on the waiting list. The cultivation of shrubs, hedges and standard trees is not allowed. Dwarf fruit trees are permitted but must be restricted to a maximum height of 2 metres. Flowers are allowed but must not exceed 20% of the growing area of the plot (2 rods of a full plot, 1 rod of a half plot)
- All plots are held from November to October, rents must be paid before 30th November, a surcharge of £5 a month will be imposed if not paid on time.
- A plot holder is required to complete and sign a Plot Holder Agreement and payment of their rent is ongoing acceptance of the Rules of Association.
- Applications for allotments must be made in writing to the Secretary and will be considered by the committee in order of arrival.
- Members are not permitted to disconnect or make any alterations to the water fittings. The use of hose pipes is strictly forbidden.
- No holder may sublet all, or part of his/her allotment.
- Any holder wishing to give up his/her allotment must inform the Secretary as soon as possible, but not later than the 1st November.
- The gates to allotments must be kept closed except for access.
- Any holder detected of stealing, shall have their plot confiscated and maybe prosecuted by the Association.
- Each member will be provided with a copy of the rules, which shall be binding on all allotment holders, and can be produced in cases of dispute.
- Inspection will take place during the year by Committee members. It is a clear requirement that a plot is to be cultivated pursuant to the quidance in the WAGA Information Pack and if any allotment holder is found to be neglecting their plot the Committee shall have the power to take the allotment away from them after due notice.
- Bonfires shall not be allowed between 1st May and 30th September and BBQ’s are not permitted.
- All holders of plots must ensure that hedges on the perimeter of their plots are kept trimmed to a height of two metres.
- All holders will always be responsible for the upkeep and tidiness of the paths around their plots and where such a pathway is shared with an adjacent plot the responsibility for upkeep is jointly held.
- Any member wishing to erect a shed or greenhouse must make an application to the committee in writing.
- No dogs are allowed on the allotment site.
- Children (U16) are allowed on site only if accompanied by an appropriate adult and under the adult’s control.
- Tyres and carpets are not allowed onto the allotment site and plot holders are likewise not to bring on site organic waste for composting so as to avoid the possibility of importing any infectious or invasive species.
- If the conduct of any plot holder is deemed to be inappropriate they will be liable to having their Plot Agreement terminated and their plot confiscated.
- Plot holders are required to display the number of their plot in whatever form and style they feel is appropriate.